Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Classic drive by or Karma?

An interesting thing happened on the way to the liberal convention

What pray tell you ask?

Somebody got whacked by media bias.

Warren Kinsella's take on the drive-by is like a bully seeing one of his buddies (in this case Gerard Kennedy) get taken down a peg by a bigger tougher bully (that of the Globe and Mail).

However, still making hay out of this issue a full three days after the fact would be breaking one of Warren's cardinal rules, that of changing the channel when bad news hits the papers. All Warren, TDH, Calgarygrit and the rest of the "Progressive" bloggers are doing is drawing attention to the snub, which only gives it more substance. The story won't necessarily add anything to the liberal race for Stornoway but it won't improve an already lacklustre contest of two maybe three front runners and some also rans, losing media attention to more interesting news. Like the latest AG's report on liberal conspiracies to coverup the true cost of the long gun registry.

Now if the liberals could only stop nattering about vast US style republican right-wing conspiracies, and start coming up with reasons to trust them the next time around.

Naw, didn't think so.


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