Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Who knows best how to raise a child?

Better yet the statement should read;

Who is better equiped to decide what is best for a child?

Is it the state? The liberals and the NDP think so.
But if this was true wouldn't it be natural that our young be abandoned at the moment of birth?
Don't be absurd?
Too true. Its due to that thing called a nurturing instinct that makes a parent come to the aid of its young rather than let the chips fall where they may.
Purely academic stuff really.
But if the parent is best equiped to raise the child, what role does the state have in this?
I'll jump past the collary and hit the nerve.
What right does the state have to raise any child?
The truth is no state has that right. Make that, the state has no charter right.
You know, that charter the liberals like to refer to as Trudeau's Charter?
The same charter that gives the court the authority to read things into law rather than let mere mortals in the elected House of Commons create legislation.

Get that. Parents have a charter right to raise their child without the intervention of the state.
The only reasonable limit is if the state can prove the child will come to harm if the parent gets its hands on them. It unfortunately happens in this world that some people do bad things.
But by and large, parents are good people that can and do take good care of their kids.

That after all is the crux of the issue. The state not only has no place in the bedroom, it has no place in the nursery either.


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