Things that make you go "hmmmm?"
- The iamnotafraid gang did a name change to unitedwearetoronto because they where afraid they might lose some of the members of this "bandwagon" due to the name being confused with this years theme of Toronto's gay pride week.
- Joe Volpe is still in the liberal leadership
- Guite is sentenced and Chretien tells us that the issue is closed now, even though the government prosecutor says the investigation into Adscam is still on going.
- After all the wailing and gnashing of liberal teeth about how Enviroment Minister Rona Ambrose is dimantling all the enviroment programs the last liberal government implemented, when offered the chance to bring down the government over the enviroment, the liberals side with the conservatives.
- Dalton McGuinty in an effort to end the occupation at Caledonia, buys out the developer with an undisclosed amount. The occupiers still entrenched at the site, not only insist the land is theirs (read: refusal to end occupation, even though the crown has ordered them removed) but that they have further claims all the way up the Grand River.
- Ryerson gives an honourarium to a reknowned ethisist, only to say that if they knew about her opinions on certain subjects then they wouldn't have. These guys never heard of Google?
- The pundits now feel that Iggy is the liberals best hope at a shot at regaining the government side of the Commons. Odd however, that they also see that if they liberals embrace his leadership it would move their party further right of the conservatives. Thats not pragamatism, thats whoring oneself for power, but hey this is the liberal party they are talking about.
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