Monday, July 17, 2006

Can't wait to see their reply to this one

Warren Kinsella's (I'll admit a favorite blog) has issued the following email to all the liberal leadership candidates.
It peaked my interest in that this conflict in the middle east is being waged for the same reasons that we are in Afghanistan, the same mission Chretien sent the troops initially, the same mission that Martin increased our involvement in, and the same mission the liberals are so very, very, very divided on, that being the fight against global terrorism.

Warren writes

I am the media columnist for the National Post. I am writing to each of the Liberal leadership candidates to seek their views about the escalating conflict in the Middle East. I intend to argue in the column that the candidates' respective positions deserve more media coverage than they have been receiving. I intend to file the column no later than Tuesday evening. If your campaign/candidate has a brief comment to make, please send it to me at wkinsella (at sign) Thank you for your attention to this matter and I look forward to hearing from you.

Warren Kinsella

I look forward to which ones respond and five years after 9-11 the liberals actually have this one thought out other than to say "Harper is too cozy with Bush".
Methinks Iggy is the only one that has a coherent opinion on the subject.
We shall see.

(this posting was edited to remove direct references to email addresses i.e: the @ symbol)


Warren has been contacted:

Yesterday's quest - to ascertain the Middle East-related positions of Liberal leadership candidates - continues apace. So far, I have received a statement and a phone call from Scott Brison; a phone call and statement to follow from Joe Volpe; an email and prepared statements from Bob Rae and Stephane Dion; and an email from Martha Hall Findlay that a statement is forthcoming. From the rest - Kennedy, Ignatieff, Bevilacqua, Dryden, Bennett and Fry - so far, nada. I'll keep you posted.

So far a statement from Brison, Rae and Dion, a promisary note from Martha, and diddly from the rest.

You would think that the people that aspire to someday be prime minister would have this thought out at least tentively to the point of not having to either respond with "I'll get back to you (after I see what the polls are saying)" or putting the "inkstained scribes" on ignore. I find Iggy's non-response revealing in that everybody is well aware that he has an opinion on the subject, and not responding seems to suggest that he may be experiencing regrets, or is second guessing himself. Neither are qualities that Trudeau was supposedly claimed to be known for, let alone Warren's hero Chretien.

They can't say they where never warned.


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