Sunday, July 02, 2006

A liberal scandal from the past

When is the best time to offer an apology?

Usually ASAP.

Why should an apology be offered?

When one recognizes a wrong that they committed.

How should it be done?

It should be done in a manner that dosen't attempt to deflect blame or reassign some of it to those that had nothing to do with the wrong in question.

Why am I bringing this up?

Just this.

Why do I take issue with the columnist?

Oh lets start with the obvious, here's a clue. Does the term "lest we forget" mean anything?

Secondly, Douglas Fisher has mistaken this scandal as being a canadian one, in the same fashion as Paul Martin did with Adscam, when in fact its a liberal one.

Thirdly, its because the zombies thought they could have their cake and eat it too, they should be the ones apologizing to the families of those that didn't return.

Say it with me...KING LIED, SOLDIERS DIED.


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