Saturday, August 26, 2006

On the cusp of Autumn

The fall is coming with the falling of the leaves, cooling temperatures, and shorter days.
The summer is passing, and as is won't to do our minds ponder the coming end of year.

Most notably for us political nuts we look forward to the reconviening of Parliament.

Unless of course your a liberal.

They may say much like SpongeBob "I'm Ready" but they might want to think twice about triggering an election this fall.

"They also need to keep in mind that voters have endured two elections in
two years, and are less than excited about a third one. "

And as an update to yesterdays bit of screed on media, Steve over at Angry in the Great White North has followed up on the theme of liberals supporting terrorists.


Alan Tonk's letter is not dated. I would like to give this Liberal the benefit of the doubt, and assume that he expressed support for the PMOI before it was listed as a terrorist group.But I can't. The problem is that the bombing of the water supply happened this July:


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