Thursday, August 17, 2006

Todays Diatribe and Screed on the race for Stornoway

James Travers has decided the liberal race is now a contest between the three stooges

Michael Harris of the Ottawa Sun compares Iggy to JFK. No not that JFK, the other one.

Speaking of Iggy, lets remember these words of wisdom he imparted on liberal delegates during his key note address at their last convention.

“You know what's happened? Amazing thing has happened, I missed a page from my speech. So you're looking at a panic stricken speaker. In the middle of a struggle to find a missing page of his speech...whatya know about that? Um, let me try to remember what I would have said to you had I had my wits about me...”

And TDH questions Dion’s new found support from a former PC party tourist.

Some noise and speculation now at Far and Wide about who is going to jump from the leadership train….and get thrown on someone else’s baggage train.

My question would be, what would one of the other leadership hopefuls offer one of the fringe candidates to join an opponents campaign (and in the process effectively sink it)? Better yet just who would be in such a position to offer such a bribe?

With that in mind Viva la revolution.


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