Friday, September 08, 2006

Conservative moment of the week Sept 3 - 9 2006

Tough call this week.

The nominees as follows:

Iggy for his adamant stance in the face of overwhelming liberal opposition to Canada's military support in the war in Afghanistan.

Stephen Harper for his appearance before a Senate committee, to make a presentation on senate reform.

But they don't quite compare to this moment.


The linked source isn't the moment itself, that moment being given recognition is that we now have the entire lib-left up taking up arms against the group that has been aiding and abetting the lib-left agenda overwhelmingly.

To quote the above example.

When challenged to explain why the right-wing blogosphere is abuzz with
praise for the film, director David Cunningham responded that "we are also being
accused of being a left wing movie that bashes Bush" ? a claim for which there
is absolutely no evidence.

When you get folks fighting like mad over a made for sweeps week tv movie, it only lends credibility to your opponents.

That would be conservatives.

To the lib-left, sucks to be you.


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