Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The liberal civil war still on

If you thought it was all water under the bridge, this guy proves its just simmering under the surface.

To quote this one time staffer of a Chretien cabinet min:

"September 26, 2006 - Stuck in a seminar all day, I didn't see Liberal
Party National Director Steve MacKinnon's appearance on CTV this afternoon. But,
from what has been reported back to me, his criticisms of the Conservative
government's $2 billion in spending cuts focused on the way that Paul Martin's
legacy of balanced surplus spending was being squandered, and how Paul Martin's
budgets had eliminated the deficit. Here's an idea, Steve - why don't you start portraying the Liberal Party of Canada's record of accomplishments as
broader than the work of one man? Oh, and just in case you forgot, Mr. Martin stepped down as leader over eight months ago.

September 26, 2006 - One more question about Joe Volpe. How can he justify
the legitimacy of his candidacy when his aides are now openly telling reporters
that the only reason he is still in the race is to stick it to Michael Ignatieff? I can confidently state that stretching back to his treasonous time in the Jean Chretien caucus, through to his power hungry run as a cabinet minister in the Paul Martin era, to his present car crash of a campaign for the Liberal leadership, Joe Volpe is the most self-serving politician I have ever witnessed in the Canadian political arena"


Seems Kinsella and his cohorts have discovered a new front.

"September 27, 2006 – Bob Rae’s campaign just bought itself some unhelpful national media coverage. And here. And here. And here.

For starters, what is happening here violates principles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 of the prevailing rules for research. Among other things.

The blogosphere is like a beehive, in my experience. And some “anonymous” folks are about to get stung, big time."


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