Tuesday, September 19, 2006

What I've been trying to say all along

About the next election.

Harper isn't up against the Almighty, he's up against the best of a bad lot.

He’s running against whomever the Liberals elect as their new leader and
every one of them has baggage.


This is an revised excerpt from a previous post called "Jack Layton Mainstream?". I call this list the liberal ten commandments as long as the liberals remain a party co-opted by the kook fringe.

They are:

-1- Parents are incapable of raising children on their own.

-2- Health care is a very complex issue, to anyone that doesn't hold a university degree.

-3- Legitimate gun owners are unable and unwilling to secure their own weapons.

-4- Minorities can't make it out in the real world on their own.

-5- Drug addicts need safe injection sites.

-6- Decriminalizing drugs make them safe for use.

-7- Street gangs need basketball courts.

-8- Prostitutes need trade unions and safe place to ply their "trade".

-9- Global warming won't go away unless we buy some hot air credits from countries that are contributing to global warming.

-10- You can negotiate with terrorists in good faith.


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