Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Isn't this exactly how Meech and Charlottetown went off the rails?

The wording of the resolution recognizes Quebec as a nation, but also requires a group of experts "to advise the next party leader to explore different ways and the most opportune moment to sanction this historic and social reality."

In other words create a false crisis to fit the preprogramed "solution".

It doesn't matter what policy or legislative agenda a party takes, that if it chooses to discount the needs and desires of those it affects most, the outcome will only satisfy the elites and special interests. Worse, it may also end up making it much worse.
In other words, asking for the opinioin of the grass roots and then blatantly ignoring them will not only miss the desired outcome, but create a backlash effect with ordinary folks.

See law of diminshing returns and "special status".


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