Monday, November 27, 2006

"Its a quarter to three"

"and no one in the place...cept you and me"

Thats how the words to that old blue eyes ditty goes anyway.

I was a bit disappointed over the results in LNC and the liberal winning the riding.

Ah well, they hate us and they don't want us to win.

However it does have some silver linings.

Pearson can't run in London-Fanshawe now.

The next election will be in the spring before Glen even gets his boxes unpacked in Ottawa.

Dion, who Pearson supports for the leadership, isn't likely to win and Iggy is. Sorry Glen no front bench for you.

(strike one on this prediction, however I didn't see Glen's face on the front bench)

The nation issue isn't over for the liberals, that nasty little motion is coming to the floor of the plenary session and the only way the liberals can stop looking like they are leading the parade is to actually get out in front and (how is that Hebert explains it) put some meat on the constitutional bones.

(sort of a foul line ball, they managed to keep the motion off the floor, but expect that after Kennedy mkaing a deal with Dion the payback is a safe seat in TO to run in, and if Gerry can get a seat in the house you can bet this issue will be a potential wedge between MP's that voted for it Dion and those that voted against Kennedy, Trudeau, et al)

I expect that Pearson will be flogging his pet project (slave redemption) once he gets to Ottawa. What he better hope is that someone doesn't write a nasty expose of how badly that program has been managed, and the fact that the monies being used for slave redemption is used to fund the same militias that are terrorizing the people of Darfur.

Ah well, such is life you win some, you lose some.
There will be another election another day.


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