Tuesday, November 07, 2006

There are two types of individuals in the liberal party of canada

One is the typical power at all costs liberal. Iggy is an example of that and would best represent that type.

The other to varying degrees, are the ones that still believe in power at all costs but stop short on only one issue.
That issue is the memory of Trudeau.

Any attempts to denigrate that memory or lessen the legacy will be dealt with desicively and without remorse.

November 6, 2006 - Chantal Hebert is a pro-Meech, pro-distinct-society
nationalist. Everyone in Ottawa knows that. She is forgiven that venal sin
because - unlike a lot of male writers, this one included - she keeps her cool.
You might not always agree with her, but she has an ability to dispassionately
dissect politics. She also treats her readers with respect. That's why I found this paragraph, at the tail end of her columnizing today, so
"But when Justin Trudeau - who has yet to see electoral political
action - chimed in recently to say that his late father would have rejected the
Quebec resolution, that view was afforded front-page billing in many media
quarters, including the Star. A party that takes its instructions from the grave
on Quebec rather than seek inspiration in the collective experience of the
living should not be surprised to find itself dead in the water in that
Wow. "A party that takes its instructions from the grave." In one
subclause, Hebert condescendingly writes off history, past learning, and the
hoary old Atkinson Principles to which her newspaper claims to be attached. If
it isn't happening right now, Hebert doesn't want to hear about it. (Unless, one
presumes, she agrees with it, in which case history again has merit.) As I say,
in a lot of other writers, such solipsism wouldn't merit comment. For her, it
comes off sounding pretty cheap.

Those candidates on what is considered the left, are crowding that field.

None of the candidates for leader dare to publically touch that third rail, with the exception of Iggy. Even when he does he makes a point of trying to reclaim his bonifides by reminding everyone that he was a delegate for Trudeau many years ago.

Now here's the rub. If some minor blogger can figure this out, I've no doubt that those that compile election strategies have as well.

I'm going to be passing this info along to other conservatives


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