Saturday, December 09, 2006

The liberal party? Co-opted by the kook fringe? Say it ain't so.

However, James Travers seems to be coming to this conclusion.

Slowly but surely Jim is tranforming.

Once a sure bet for liberals to believe that Travers would carry the water for them dutifully repeating all their talking points.

Lately though, since it became clear with the Martin tenure as leader of the party that can't pander too much, James has tempered his comments with a bit more scepticism on what liberals say.
Take this part of the article for example:

"Groups with ties to Sri Lanka's complex conflict are being singled out for their aggressive tactics. Ignatieff organizers say one Montreal faction put the price of its support on a future Liberal government establishing a consulate in the area fighting for independence. And Rae supporter Tarek Fatah this week exposed detailed discussions with Tamils allegedly offering to trade votes for a promise to delist Tiger guerrillas as terrorists. Both campaigns say they rejected those and other ethnic overtures, claims strengthened by their conspicuous failure to win late-ballot converts. And there's no evidence yet that anyone agreed to anything contrary to Canadian hegemony. "

Yes, both Iggy and Rae rejected these demands, but then the collary that the editor missed is that question, did the eventual winner do likewise?

Maybe I'm being a bit presumptious but I perceive a sea change coming in the MSM.
If true its one thats long overdue.


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