Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The new interm? leader

Did some digging for today's screed.

Following his leadership win, Mr. Dion is enjoying something of a honeymoon, with national opinion polls showing strong support in the province for his leadership.Nevertheless, he did not enjoy support from the Quebec Liberal caucus or Quebec delegates at the Montreal convention. Most of them supported Michael Ignatieff on the final ballot. Some new names -- and also some old ones -- have been mentioned as possible recruits for the Liberals in Quebec. There has been speculation that Justin Trudeau, the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau, was interested in the Outremont nomination.Mr. Trudeau was not a delegate at the convention but was a very visible supporter of former Ontario education minister Gerard Kennedy, who ultimately helped Mr. Dion win the Liberal crown.

Yes a favour was done, but what of the favour to be returned?

Could we see a riding in Ontario open up as well, say Etobicoke-Lakeshore?

First this

In an interview with Radio-Canada conducted in French, Trudeau called Ignatieff a great thinker, but said he lacks the wisdom to be party leader. Late last month, Trudeau criticized Ignatieff's declaration that Quebec should be recognized as a nation within Canada.

Then this

''Whether you were in agreement with my father or totally in disagreement with him, at least you knew where he was coming from and why with Ignatieff, he is a bit everywhere at once. He says this, he says that, he contradicts himself. He doesn't have the clarity that my father could have.''Nor does he think former Ontario NDP premier Bob Rae is the best choice particularly to bring about the real renewal Trudeau said he believes the federal party needs.''He has been a politician for a long time, he is very wise, he is a good man but I don't think he has the great vision necessary.''

To get to the diatribe of this post, I'm suggesting that a deal was made with Dion by the powers that be to deliver the Kennedy support. If you where Kennedy and Justin Trudeau came knocking, would you be asking who sent him, or would you be in such awe of his presence that it would be all you could do to keep from prostrating yourself in adulation. So much awe in fact that you would also welcome the entourage he brought along....and swallow hook line and sinker any advise they offered?

It appears that Trudeau the younger has a tendancy to think very highly of himself, which is fine as long as you don't conversely believe that nobody else can possibly be as smart as you are. Therein lies the simularity of Justin to Paul. Paul Martin became Bucky Dither's as soon as it was found that he was more myth than man. Justin is making the same mistake. However, Dion is now stuck having to repay Justin for the"favour", the drawback is that Dion knows that the minute Trudeau wins a seat, everyone will be waiting with baited breath for Stephane to announce his retirement.

One way Dion could derail Justin's march to the big chair is to let the expectations about him build to the point that there is no way they can be fufilled. I mean really what is Justin's field of expertise? Frankly, other than riding daddies coattails there isn't anything else, he's a male version of Belinda Stronach.
My guess is that Dion knows that as far as the party establishment was concerned his only purpose was to keep the seat warm. The shock to the party brass is going to come when they underestimate Stephane and find out too late that he like Chretien will not go willingly, it will be a fight.

I guess that all this subjection will be just that...unless some info surfaces that would indicate otherwise.


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