Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Kyoto is about higher taxes, unenforcable regulations, and a lower standard of living

"Global warming is changing our lives. To deal with it, we're therefore going to have to change our lives.
Doing this is going to involve everything from higher taxes to more regulation to a lower standard of living (although not lower than one created by out-of-control global warming).
Dion, for all his convictions about the environment, has been careful never to say this."


I have one disagreement with the columnist. The conservatives campaign on ideas, the liberals campaign to interest groups. The proof is the admission by the columnist that Dion “has been careful never to say” lest he offend the demographic that he needs the support of. And that’s not the left wing kook fringe, thats Joe sixpack and Jane soccermom. What motivates them is the difference between paying more taxes or less, looking to a future where they can obtain a higher standard of living or a lower one, or the difference of having the government intervening much more in your life or keeping out of your business.

Those folks tend to not support a party that wants to tax and spend, reduce your ability to raise your standard of living and decides that your life style is "un-canadian".


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