Thursday, February 15, 2007

Conservative moment of the month

The newest addition to the ranks of the army of niavely useful individuals?

Like to offer a debt of Gratitude to the liberal MP that was responsible for the private members bill that forces the government to achieve the Kyoto targets by 2012.

Did he not realize that anytime within the 60 day time period that the government can table a plan so draconian, so unacceptable, that shows to Canadians what you need to do to achieve the targets (higher taxes, excessive regulation, lower standard of living) that no one in their right mind would be in favour of it.
Imagine what the liberals would do if Harper tables a report saying this is the reason his government won't do it and its the basis of a n/c motion.
Catch 22
The government says it won't impose these measures and Canadians should be given the opportunity to decide if thats what they want during an election. The opposition has to campaign on a platform of higher taxes, draconian regulations, and embarrassingly lower standard of living. That or avoid such an election by rescinding the law.


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