Thursday, April 19, 2007

Catch 22

Let me get this straight.

Harper has announced he will appoint Bert Brown to the senate as part of a long held promise to reform that body.

Now the confusing part.

Dion is against the move because it would be "unfair" to do so because:
  1. It gives elected senators more legitimacy.
  2. They would be more likely to use their legislative powers.
  3. You shouldn't do it unless you redistribute the number of seats.

Could someone, anyone, in Dion's inner circle please explain to him that saying don't change the senate because we like it the way it is, unelected, unequal, and unaccountable, is not going to gain him any credibility.
It's particularly glaringly bad considering Dion's past history as minister of intergovernmental affairs.


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