Liberals new useful idiot part 4
Alexa reminds the media what role Elizabeth May plays.“I just don’t have anything to add to it,” the Halifax MP said. “I think that endless stories about where she is running, where she is not running… just kind of means she is not addressing the real issues.”
And May confirms it.
“I’m not pro-Taliban,” she said with a chuckle, “but the point is that in the Afghani context, they are not the devil we paint them as here."
Lets compare shall we?
On the one had you have the Taliban.
Beheadings, publically executing women for the high crime of walking in public, or just calling for the destruction of the western world. In May's mind, these are just an abberation...nothing to see here.
On the other is the current government of Canada...which she likens to the folks that allowed the destruction of six million jews by the third reich.
Call me impetuous, but I'm thinking the liberal party isn't the only one that may be experiencing a leadership coup soon.
Labels: May's little green monster
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