Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Ex-Chretien Minister gets smacked down by conservative

Lisa gives Sheila a lesson in recent history.

Copp's opens with the typical liberal anti-american talking point.

"The world is wondering whether Canada has jumped in bed with Bush and they wonder what happened to a proud independent country?"

Then later contridicts herself like a first year psych 101 student.

"If neighbouring Pakistan sees a benefit in talking to the Taliban we have to heed their advice. "

She then follows up by indicating the reason is that her knowledge doesn't extend outside a cloistered environment.

"You keep asking where is my proof? Spend a few days hanging around the United Nations, Brussels or the OECD and you should hear the scuttlebutt that our reputation as an agent for peace is a footnote in history."

As an aside it should be noted that the last possible time Copps was inside either org was when she was minister of heritage....about four years ago.

Of course Corbella makes short work of this naively useful individual. (emphasis mine on the rhetorical "Copp's should know this so she's either ignorant of the facts or she's being disingenious".)

"Pakistan sees a benefit in talking to the Taliban because the Taliban were schooled in and funded by Pakistan. Indeed, many Taliban are Pakistanis. Surely, you know that? What's more, 99% of Afghans hate the Taliban with a passion. I hope you know that, too. We do not "have to" take our marching orders from Pakistan, Sheila. I'm frankly shocked that someone urging us to be more independent would suggest we do so. I realize the Liberals love Hamas and never wanted to declare it a terrorist organization, but the Conservatives tend to call a spade a spade. The rest of the world followed, including France and other countries practiced in the art of appeasement and sophistry. Canada is way more independent now than under the Liberals. Canada has re-established our sovereignty in the north -- over the objections of the U.S., Norway, Finland and others. What's more, PM Paul Martin, was so afraid of Bush it took him 64 days just to build up enough courage to telephone the President after a NAFTA ruling in favour of Canada on softwood lumber tariffs. By then another ruling had come down that favoured the U.S. and Martin's dithering cost Canada valuable ground on the file. By contrast, it took Harper just about two weeks longer to hammer out a resolution to the dispute. That's leadership and independence. "

I like the last point of bringing up the one thing that Copp's and other liberals won't discuss. Whenever the subject of Paul Martin comes up the liberals run for cover.

Which should be a red flag for liberals to heed for the next election. Conservatives won't be targeting Dion's lack of leadership so much as the past liberal leadership.

The elephant in the room will be why don't liberals want to talk about Paul Martin?



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