Friday, June 22, 2007

Liberals new useful idiot part 7

Imagine this scenario.

Its September and Parliament is getting ready to resume sitting. We've been throught the summer recess with the party leaders doing the summer speaking tour to drum up support, our Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been spending the time being well Prime Ministerial. The MSM gears up for another season of conservative bashing and a coming Provincial election in Ontario, and the so-called pundits dispense with their predictions of whats in the throne speech.

But I digress.

Lets take into consideration this private members bill.

The left is salivating at the prospect of tabling a motion in the House that the Harper is in contempt of Parliament.

Got some unfortunate news for them.

Harper is going to create a confidence motion over implementation.

Here's how it works. The private members bill orders the government to act on Kyoto but is not a money bill. We know that to implement and meet the Kyoto timetable is by creating a reccesion. That allows Harper to table a plan for implementation that is so draconian that no one would want any part of it. However, and this is the stick the opposition gets crowned with, the option the government will offer is that if the opposition wants this plan they have to take it to the voters, the conservatives (as they did not table the private memebers bill that started all this) have no obligation to implement such a disasterous plan but to quash the bill would be a vote of confidence.

So liberals, NDP, and Greens? Ready to run an election platform on a plan to implement Kyoto that will be one that has onerous regulations, draconian laws, excessive taxation, and an extremely lower standard of living?
Lets not forget these other platforms that you will have to run on.
Pulling the troops out of Afghanistan.
Diplomatic negotiations with the Taliban.
Ending the Air India Inquiry.
Higher taxes.
Cancelling procurements for military equipment.
Cancelling a cut to the GST.
Cancelling Senate reform.

You get the picture



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