Thursday, July 26, 2007

You can tell you're winning the war on terrorism

When Timmy Taliban in a fit of deperation kidnaps 22 christian aid workers from a nation that is performing a non-combat role in Afghanistan. In the process these Einstien's reveal how adept they are by not only extending their deadline, but also by pissing off the world community by revealing what kind of barbarians they are by executing one of the hostages because they where too sick.
And what is it this group of criminals want?
Well they want some of their compatriots freed of course. No doubt due to their dwindling ranks from desertions, losses from attacks by coalition troops, and by sending some their so-called supports on one use suicide bombing runs.

I recall watching a scene from the movie Patton where the general was remarking after a particularly savage battle with the enemy how he could tell the German's where losing the war.
The enemy was using horse carts not trucks to transport.

At this point in the battle against terrorism, with timmy taliban going to this length against a foe that has more resourses, more manpower, and frankly in spite of the best efforts of the left and the MSM talking heads more will to win, I think that very soon they may be considering the option of unconditional surrender.



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