Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Catch 22 update

Gotta love this story as it points out how the scenario I keep alluding to is unfolding.


"No one should forget that emissions rose steadily under the former Liberal government, year after year, despite its Kyoto vows. Canada cannot meet its targets now. Mr. Dion should allow the clean air bill to lapse."

So here's Dion heading off to Newfoundland to make nice with Dannyboy, and making noise about how he was so honest.
Here's the rub. If Dion ever got his way not only would that favourite liberal whipping boy big bad Alberta pay a steep economic price, but so to would Dion's newest best friend Newfoundland. See as a federal plan it doesn't stop at the Alberta border, it goes wherever there is oil production in Canada....so Danny if you got upset cause Harper said chose the Alantic Accord or the new equalization formula, the guy will no doubt have an annurism over the effects of compliance with Kyoto.

Speaking of which.

With the new Hebron deal, Danny's contention of a poor province getting the shaft is starting to sound more and more like a inbred sense of "entitlement" and less a story of a fight for the common man. He also should be careful about the standard he wants to use, as it becomes obvious that Danny will have his own version of Adscam come and bite him on the arse.

As for Dion, sabre rattling like he is over Afghanistan or the enviroment seems more like preaching to the "converted" and less like outreach to disenfranchised liberals.

This is one individual that hopes neither Dion or Dannyboy reads articles like the one I've linked to. I'd like to see a Harper majority.



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