Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ciies crying poverty

Crisis, cry the cities and apparently the big bad federal government should be giving them a slice of the GST for a start.

Here's a reality check.

Here in London we have a number of item that hardly qualify as infrastructure that where built while the crisis in infrastructure was developing.

Centennial Hall (debate rages at city hall on whether to tear it down or renovate it)
Convention Center (was suppose to renew downtown but ended up over budget and was then sold to a private interest)
Aquatic center (was going to be a big draw for major competitions but needs fixing)
Stone Henge
John Labatt Center (supposed to be the newest lynch pin to save down town, still costing money and still not paid for)

The latest is a call by vested interests for the city to build a "performing arts center".
The irony is that on the eve of that debate a sinkhole developed at the intersection of Wellington and Dundas, yet to be fixed.

So now DiCicco-Best and the rest of the chorus is whining for more federal money to avoid a crisis in infrastructure.

Here's a suggestion to the feds. Any city that wants the funds has to submit in writing that the funds do not get used for special projects like a "performing arts center".

Don't allow these guys the opportunity to pull a Charet.



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