Friday, November 09, 2007

Duffy Live and At Issue

As I watched the two last night I have to remark on a couple of subjects.

First, Dion's remarks on raising the GST have caused more damage to the liberals than any CPC attack ad ever could. MHF's panicked response said more than the spin she was trying to put forth.

Second, to liberals the thought of having a referendum on the senate has them in full damage control. It became obvious when senator Baker couldn't answer yes or no to whether he was in favour of reforming the senate. As an aside, to those that think it can't be don't due to the amending formula, think again. If a referendum result went contrary to what certain premiers where advocating (yes Dalton thats you), would they suddenly be more favourable to reform instead of abolishion? Also, Quebec you are only one province, so saying it can't be done without your say so is only true in light of the amending formula? The whole story is that the 50%-7 province rule is what decides, not one province (like Quebec) alone.

Third, the only ones feeding the rumour that the government wants to fire Rick Hillier are the ones reporting it, coughCBCcough. Here's a rumour I'll start to counter your stupid story.
Harper wants to make Hillier the next GG, because he wants a Commander in Chief that has actually commanded the troops. Why? Because he wants the appointment to be less about political correctness, and more about legitimacy as a head of state. Of course unlike Mansbridge, I'm not pretending my story is anything but a rumour.



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