Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mulroney and Schreiber

I know I should be concerned over this but for some reason my gut is telling me there are a lot of major news outlets with pre-written templates ready to go .....some of them may have been sitting around for a few years.

And all of it based on the statement of a guy facing criminal charges in Germany.

Imagine the rage the media and the opposition liberals will go into if Harper rags the puck long enough for Schreiber's extradition to go through and then hands the matter over to the RCMP?

I think I'm going to enjoy watching this.

Here's why.

The only way there can be an election is if the liberals believe they can put Harper on the defensive. If they believe this business over Airbus has any traction you bet the liberals will find their testicles in time for the next nonconfidence measure.

Think of the timing.
Harper has said he's going to get an independent third party to advice the government on how best to proceed, but no timeline.
Today Harper is reintroducing his senate reform bill with the understanding that when the NDP introduces its referendum bill it gets the governments support, a bill that is guaranteed to be held up in the senate if not returned to the commons altogether (read liberal obstruction to change).
Harper then has his opportunity to put the question of confidence to the house on an issue the liberals will feel safe opposing if they believe the M-S issue has legs.

Going forward in speculation, I presume that the day before the nonconfidence motion, Harper will make a decision on the issue that will take it out of play. It could be an inquiry, handing the matter over to the RCMP to investigate, or saying this is Schreibers feeble attempt to stay in Canada to avoid prosecution and that no action by the government is neccessary as this has nothing to do with the current adminstration.
I'm betting on the last possible outcome as it would leave the liberals holding the deciding votes on whether there will be an election or not, and having made statements to the effect they would be bring the government down it would do irrepairable damage if they sat on their hands again.
The beauty of it is that unlike Adscam this issue has nothing to do with the current government, so the liberals chosing this issue (and certain media outlets) to run a campaign on will be responded to with "last time we checked Mr Mulroney was not on the ballot" read witch hunt.
The media and the liberals have made careers out of attacking Mr Mulroney, its time they gave it a rest....but I know they won't being creatures of habit and all that.

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