Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas and Year end wrap up

First and fore most:

I'd like to wish a Merry Christmas to all, especially all those in Afghanistan fighting th egood fight against those who would subvert a religion for their own desires.
I'd also wish a merry christmas to those same enemies as its a christian thing to heap good will on your enemies, espcially now when they are going down in defeat at the hands of NATO troops.

Now on to the wrap up:

-Bitching about the timing of the by-elections isn't going to get the liberals any extra votes in ridings that are already overwhelmingly liberal. What you should be worried about is the NDP and the Greens spliting the vote. That and that the next budget doesn't provide the Harper government another chance to get the liberals to sit on their hands for a nonconfidence vote.

- Perhaps all you Mulroney haters might want to rethink that inquiry thing. You got your chance to make something stick to Harper and that fell flat. What's happened is that in your rush to convict your own personal demon, you've erased all the protections in the process. My prognostication is that when the good doctor Johnson tables his advice the liberals will be trying to find some way to show that Harper unduly influence the Dr's recomendations, which coincidentally will not help the liberal cause either.

- J Trudeau is not his father, unfortunately for liberals there are more than 50% of them that think he is. Trust me on this, the guy is a walking time bomb. Now that the fair warning was given by all means please annoint him leader once you get Dion pushed out of the big chair so we can be assured continuous conservative majority governments. Don't believe me? Here's teh test then. Would pompous, self-annointed elitist be a term that would describe the young prince or not?

-The economy might go sour and it might not, but if the demand for oil stays high Canada will weather the storm. Though the outcome will be a reallocation of wealth in this country from central to the east, west and north.

See you next year.



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