Saturday, October 04, 2008

Question for those liberals in Canada that support Obama

On Aug 7 2007 it was reported that Barak Obama said

"The first step must be to get off the wrong battlefield in Iraq and take the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

In January 2008 it was reported that Stephane Dion said:

"We are going to have to discuss that very actively if they (the Pakistanis) are not able to deal with it on their own. We could consider that option with the NATO forces in order to help Pakistan help us pacify Afghanistan,"

The next time some liberal tries to use the "Harper=Bush therefore would take us into Iraq" logic, I'll respectfully ask......If the next US president wanted the world to join it in a unilateral invasion of the Darfur region of Sudan without that governments permission, would they oppose?

Oh I dunno, like maybe this guy?

Neither Pearson nor Roy pretend that their endeavours in Sudan are likely to
bring an end to the strife that has plagued the country for more than 40 years.
"We don't have any big solutions," acknowledges Roy, digging into a tin of cold
beans after a long, hot day on the trail. "But I have been around a bit and can
recognize human suffering when I see it. All we are trying to do here is ease
some of that suffering by bringing people out of bondage. I think that's
worthwhile." She makes the comment near the end of her mission during which CSI
funds were used to purchase and free 4,968 slaves

Thats an interesting link. Seems CSI isn't as noble an enterprise as its presenting itself to the world.....not a sinister agenda mind you, just terribly misguided. And I quote:

"With regard to the specific issue of "slave redemption", one of the few neutral
sources against which the claims made by Christian Solidarity International and
Baroness Cox can be assessed is the report by the Canadian government's special
envoy to Sudan, John Harker, into human rights abuses in Sudan. The Harker
report, 'Human Security in Sudan: The Report of a Canadian Assessment Mission',
was commissioned by the Canadian government and published in February 2000. One of the two missions with which John Harker was tasked was to:
"independently investigate human rights violations, specifically in reference to allegations of slavery and slavery-like practices in Sudan.""

Its about 106 pages of a pdf. But some of the "meat" is on page seven.

"The UNICEF workers said there is no evidence that “redemption” is actually fuelling the abduction problem, whether the redemption was real or "staged". Several informants reported various scenarios involving staged redemptions. In some cases, SPLM officials are allegedly involved in arranging these exchanges, dressing up as Arab slave traders. The profits are used to support the SPLM/A, buy arms and ammunition, and even to build a power base in opposition to John Garang, which, it is said, has caused a rift in SPLM/A, because those who object (including Garang) are reluctant to publicly expose it for fear of splintering the rebel movement. Sometimes a "redeeming group" may be innocently misled, but other groups may be actively committed to fundraising for the SPLM/A, and deliberately use "slave redemption" as a successful tactic for attracting Western donors. We did speak with an eyewitness who can confirm observing a staged redemption and this testimony conformed with other reports we had from a variety of credible sources. Interestingly, even UNICEF has been accused of "Staged abduction redemption", in their case of recycling children from IDP camps. The accusations force UNICEF to be sure to focus on proper documentation, and it wishes CSI and others lived by the importance of this aspect of the struggle."

Don't say you haven't been warned.



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