Sunday, October 19, 2008

Questions for liberals to ponder

If the pundits maintain your party has to "move to the center" and the perception currently is that the LPC is too far to the left, the assumption is made then that any move would be to the right.

So I ask, if the LPC is going to move to the right, what conservative principles do they agree with?

More importantly, whose support are they going to lose when they do so?
Ditch the carbon tax idea and lose what soft green vote they have?
Ditch the cradle to grave social program idealism and lose what soft NDP votes they still have?
Ditch judicial activism idealism and lose the support of those that want to remold the country in their image?

Frankly I already suspect its none of the above, which is why the talking point is "move to the center".
I know it, they know it, so you better believe its the elephant in the room. And because it is I look forward to a future political talk show where a well known liberal gets sandbagged with..."so if your party needs to change direction from where it is now, what would you do differently than the current government?"
I won't be too worried if I miss the live showing, it will get repeated when the CPC runs its next set of attack ads.

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