Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The next president of the USA

Looks like everybody is lined up with one conclusion.

Here's my conclusions:

  1. No matter who it is, that person is going to become a fiscal conservative about two seconds after winning.
  2. If its Obama, well due to point one, there is going to be a huge number of folks hoping their particular agenda is going to be funded....well hate to be the one to tell them the bad news
  3. As I suggested a few months back, due to Obama, there is a great many more folks that have become engaged in the process. This is a good thing, because as it is not possible to please all those folks, once engaged they stay engaged, if they don't come away after four years feeling their lot has improved, they will take their vote home or support the other guy....oh yeah that will apply to the senate and the congress.
  4. Lastly, once the smoke clears and the winner declared, expect the MSM to scramble around looking for something to report on. Because after expending so much trying to take down one man for eight years I doubt they have anything left for the next guy.


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