Saturday, November 15, 2008

A tale of two men

First let me speak of the one called Obama:

He is about to embark on his first greatest I'm not referring to taking on the duties of the I'm talking about the selection of secretary of state...more specifically being forced by the rumour mill to make a decision to select Hillary or someone else. The problem is the same one that we heard about when he finally won the nomination against Hill and Bill (and yes my dears, regardless of what you may think, where Hillary goes Bill goes also). So what's a pres-elect to do? Hire the person he feels is the best for the job, and by doing incite every Hillary supporter that felt denied that she didn't get her shot at POTUS, a job she has (and still is) planning all her life for. Or does he cave, let her in cabinet, spend the rest of four years looking over his shoulder, and having a detail on Bill to keep him away from the interns. Not a pretty sight.
My money's on that he makes his own choice and sends the Hill and Bill show packing.

Now on to the second, the one we refer to as Iggy.

Iggy wants to be leader of the liberal party.....well he's been wanting it since the last time he ran, and rumours persist that he's the one that was sabotaging Dion all along.....kind of hard to swallow actually...oh not that he may have been doing it, but that he was the only one.
But I digress.
Iggy it seems has in his team...or so the story goes...a past staffer of a Chretien cabinet minster that believed he was entitled to his entitlements.
Here's a bit of advice Warren, get clear of the blast radius. This guy isn't about change, he isn't even about renewal of the party....he's another Paul Martin. He feels that he's entitled to the job because he showed up.....just like the other two....and not one of them is Obama.
The "race" is going to be either another train wreck, or a parade of clown school graduates.
Here's a clue. What are the odds that somebody is going to be selling condoms embosed with the party logo at the LPC convention?

So there you have it.

Two men.

Both thinking they are about to do something significant, and only one actually doing just that.



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