Sunday, March 22, 2009

todays post

Though I don't care for Obama's policies, I know in my heart he means well. What worries me though is the gang of carpet baggers surronding him. However, with all the blunders being made, I can't help but feel that his conversion to Regan conservatism is very near.

Iggy is walking into a minefield today when he has to start putting "meat on the bone" for the fair weather federalists and closet separatists in Quebec regarding the definition of nation. Advise for Iggy, keep an eye on Coderre, unless you want to see him replay the role of Lucien Bouchard.

Good move for Harper signalling that now is the time to get rid of the long gun registry.

Jean Charest, is an ass. Always was, always will be.

Warren Kinsella, has long passed his best before date. When he gets thrown off the bus, hopefully he takes the rest of the dead weight with him.

Lastly, haven't heard much of Sister Lizzie May of late. Wonder if she will show up at the lib convention? That would make an easy story for the MSM, and would add some excitement to that yawnfest.



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