Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Conservative ideas for success

Rewrite Aug 11 2009

1-Be the party of lower taxes and smaller government. Start by ending all tax payer funding of political parties.
2-That laws are not created for fashionable or transient reasons, but based on a balance of rights, obligations, and reasonable limits to both the individual and the state. State in clear terms that Parliament is a national body and not for special or regional interests. Demonstrate this by disallowing official party status in the HoC to political parties that restrict their organization to one province.
3- That our national defence requires that we have the capability and capacity to carry out those missions that protect our security.
4-Be the party that recognizes and respects the limitations of federal and provincial jurisdictions as laid out in the constitution. State that Constitutional changes can only be achieved through a clear mandate from the voters to do so and not the demands of special interest groups.



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