Friday, May 01, 2009

Iggy thanks who???

If Squidwad wants to thank anyone for a crisis, perhaps he should be sending flowers to Gilles Duceppe, Jack Layton, his old boss Dion and anyone else that signed the coalition document.

However, if the thanks are intended due to his taking over the leadership, he should be careful what he wishes for.

An election where the choice is between a party that wanted to do away with the tax payer funding to political parties, and a separatist-socialist coalition that want to keep it would be one the conservatives would win.

One more small thing that Squidwad might want to reconsider. The liberal party should stop trying to equate that the only good Canadian institutions are liberal ones. However, if they want to retain the perception that the liberal party is an elitist organization made up of nancyboys, busybodies, and killjoys, keep saying it.
Perhaps you can fix your party by destroying it.



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