Friday, May 22, 2009

Ignatieff's far rightwing views?

No I don't believe for a minute the guy is really right wing, matter of fact I don't think he's ever held fast to any belief. Any resemblance to a show of belief or statement made to express same by Squidward is either coincidence or done for show to keep on side with his audience.

But I digress.

Iggy wants to "show" he's a centrist.

Oh goody....

Please explain then as leader of the liberal party what rightwing policies you agree with and a plan to impliment them.

Here's the to do list for Iggy:

  1. Eliminate the gun registry.
  2. Bring in a triple E senate.
  3. Return the definition of marriage to its traditional meaning of one man one woman.
  4. Get the federal government out of provincial jurisdiction, start with health care.
  5. Speaking of Prov-Fed jurisdiction, end the shell game of transfer payments.
  6. Rescind Canada's signature from the Kyoto Accord.
  7. Pledge to equip Canada's Navy with nuclear subs so they can operate year round in the Arctic.
  8. Make the CBC a private corporation.
  9. Ban the Bloc from sitting in the HoC.
  10. Lastly, reveal the names of the Quebec ridings that got the Adscam money, have the perps arrested and then have them stand trial.

This is just a start. However, because it requires Squidward to actually come out with a plan I doubt this will even come up on the radar of something "big". I do expect that if he wants the LPC to shift to the right this should remind us all what that path entails.

And frankly I don't think he has the onions to even suggest some of this stuff.

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