Thursday, June 04, 2009

Deja vu all over again

It happened with John Turner.
Its happened with Paul Martin.
Now its happening with Michael Ignatieff.

See the blu-libs (martinites) may have money, but they don't have the votes.
The red-libs (chretienites) have the votes, but they never really have the money.
Both sides tolerate each other in the party as an unwritten agreement to ignore their dislike of each other to obtain power.
The caveat being is that each side expects the other to step aside once power is obtained.
As a subtext to that, if the one side see's the other taking steps which are seen as an outright repudiation of their ideology, the gloves come off, the curtain gets thrown open, and the blood gets spilled.

What is the basis of this "completely unfounded bit of information from an un-named liberal source"(tm)?
See, Iggy in his desire to move the LPC to the right has decided to support the Harper governments minimum sentencing law for drug crimes. This law will get the support of the right of center in the party for sure, so the money will keep flowing. But if there is an election this summer, the votes won't be there because the great swath of the LPC which see's itself as left of center (far left actually) don't like this one bit.

Now if you don't believe it, go browse the liblogs and see if there is even one diatribe about this.
I've seen two so far.

The point is I've seen this scenario before and it ends the same way everytime.

Liberal leader is crowned, media slobbers all over them, they preach "center, center, center", the LPC hears "moving right, right, right", voting day comes and the disgruntled say "why vote for someone that is a "liberal in name only".
See Iggy' big problem is that due to his absence from Canada he doesn't have a liberal pedigree.
Why did he leave Canada while the liberal icon Trudeau was PM? Did he leave because he could be more successful outside of Trudeau's Canada than inside it?
It's a difficult argument the blu-libs have to contend with.

Let me frame it another way for further clarity of a bigger problem that exists in the political landscape.

red torys, blu-liberals, fairweather federalists, closet separatists, centrists

And they all have one common trait, oxymoron's all of them.

But hey, this all just mindless speculation. Pay no attention to this pointless diatribe and screed.

Squidward can't possibly be making a mistake by moving the LPC over to the right.

Addendum - June 5 2009

Okay, I write a post about this one night and the next day an TORSTAR editorialist breaks the story of a liberal revolt.

New bit of pulp fiction then.

The TORSTAR of late has been editorializing in a manner that while it certainly isn't conservative friendly, it sure hasn't been all warm and fuzzy to the liberals of late.
Where did we here about accusations of Ruby Dhalla hiring immigrants without the proper documentation and keeping their passports from them?
Frankly I don't think its the LPC the TORSTAR is attacking, they got their bullseye on the current leader and the rest of the martinites.
As I surmised yesterday, the liberal party is a party with a dual personality disorder....they can blow and suck at the same time...which used to work before the internet blogs and Youtube.
Now when Squidward speaks the speech is archived for ever after where it cannot be under restricted access like it used to be in the local rags vault....sort of like what happened to all those monestaries when Guttenburg went into business and removed the requirement of knowing latin to read the local laws.
Frankly I don't think Mikey really thought it through when he made those comments about putting Quebec in control of Ottawa. The way it gets recieved in Quebec is that the same bunch that allowed adscam to operate under the code of silence, now see's a useful tool that can be hoodwinked by another Lucien Bouchard. The west see's it as reinforcement of what they've always percieved as preferential treatment to Quebec by the liberal Power Corp Toronto-Montreal cabal that wants to reinstate the NEP. Ontario, well ONtario just gets nervous.

For all his book learning, Iggy isn't too wise.

Addendum June 25 2009

Well I purposely waited till after the anti-climax of Igwards climb down on the Rideau.
If the liberals don't want to realize whats going on with the great pretender thats their mistake. Keep thinking that by having a loyal Kreteinite in the war room is doing any good, the Barney doll was a one trick pony.
Besides being a pretentious boor, Ignatieff has become predictable, and that is like having your champion in the main event giving intricate details to their opponent before the first bell rings of what they intend to do while the other guys are slipping a pair of brass knuckles into their glove.
Iggy's a consultant on policy, he doesn't create it, and as a consultant he is not beholden to any principle's and its showing like a pocupine at a nudist colony.

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