Monday, August 31, 2009

Talking point on Senate reform

The libs bitch about senate appointments. We can now presume that the LPC policy is that the Senate needs reform.
Please indicate which is liberal policy:

  1. An LPC government would pursue constitutional reform and will meet with the premier's in a lockup until they cave and signed on. (like Meech with the same resounding success)
  2. A liberal government will create a working group to travel across the country consulting Canadians after which a group of experts will publish a HUGE document that voters will get to vote on. (like Charlottetown, same success rate as above).
  3. The liberal party favours the dynamic approach that the current government has choosen (but the liberal dominated senate has refused to pass three times).
  4. The LPC really has no policy on senate reform. The liberals are just mad that they didn't get to appoint liberal partisan's and cronies to senate seats.



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