Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Things are getting better

Anyone else get the same idea when they heard Bill Clinton went to N Korea to pick up two asian ladies....and he did not have sexual relations with those two women.

How about how pissed Hillary got when some interpreter got a question wrong and asked what she thought her husband was thinking? Yep, two a.m. and the phone rings, who do you want answering it?

And later this week, the NDP will ditch the new from their party name and run Democrat candidates. This little tid-bit is getting some guffaws but as we all know how the lib-left in this country is all ga-ga over the US party of the same name and by extention its President, the chances that Jack will try to have a pic with him and the O so as to confuse the voters will have an impact on that demographic. Odds are it will get the libs in a fighting mood to make sure the name change doesn't poach some of the same voters they where going to try the same thing on.

Lastly, Harper is setting Iggy up just like he set up Dion. Throw out a debate in parliament that divides the liberal caucus between the blu-libs and the leftwing kook fringe that worships Trudeau ( that would be the Chretien-Martin divide).
Last time it was extending the Afghan mission the liberals sent us on, this time its to fix the refugee process the libs created.
Oppose it because they don't want it changed, or admit its broken and vote with the government. The DP and the Bloc will be voting agianst, that leaves Iggy ready to be tarred with the coalition moniker, or the guy that is afraid of an election.



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