Friday, September 25, 2009

The liberal left - right divide

The latest kerfuffle within the Quebec liberal fold, between Coderre and Cauchon seems to go down the above mentioned demographic, its almost like there is a battle going on by the left wing of the party to take control.
Coderre isn't what I'd call a blu-lib, he's more of the Chretien style politico. Hitch your wagon to the leader and do his dirty work for him so he doesn't get any dirt on him, in spite of what ideology he carries. Cauchon, the guy that wants to decriminalize marijana and possibly some other laws, is classic lefty. He and Bob Rae, Gerrard Kennedy, Justin Trudeau, and Hedy Fry all see the way to go is to take the country further left than its ever been.
So here's how I see it. Cauchon is just the current figure head for the leftwing, just as Coderre is to the blu-lib establishment.
The sad thing about this is that the sides are lining up for the public to see.
If Bob Rae openly declares what the leader should do about this, its an admission that he and Iggy don't really get along too well, heck there may even be some plausibility to the suggestion the rivalry which began in that shared dorm room so many years ago at Uof T hasn't died down but has been fueled by recent events. But its better than that. The Iggy-Rae feud, and the Coderre - Cauchon feud are merely pretexts upon which the two sides within the LPC will use to blame the other if the wheels go off the bus during the next election campaign.
Let me take this further.
If after the next election, the libs have experienced an even bigger defeat, there will be a push to merge the left again. I have only one small bit of advice if you guys want to make it work.
You need to have Justin Trudeau on board or else it will never get off the ground.
Anyways, good luck with'll need it.



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