Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gilligan strikes again

Yep, Gillligan makes a total arse of himself again with the latest liberal faux pas to blow up in their face.
How so?
Contest is launched on party website to photo-shop the Prime Ministers face on where he'd rather be than Copenhagen.
By the way, lets get one thing straight, the day that Harper is afraid to go somewhere and confront a bunch of spineless pansies that don't understand basic economics and where all that money actually comes from is the day I find myself a cabin in soem remote wilderness.
But I digress.
Contest runs and lets the entrants know that every entry will be reviewed and they will get a chance to pick the finalists.
So what gets to the finals?
Some dip stick puts up the infamous photo of Oswald beig gunned down by Jack Ruby with Harper's face super-imposed over Oswald's.
So what's the message here?
Liberals equate Harper with someone that would assasinate a sitting US president?
Liberals equate Harper with someone that should be blamed for the assassination of Kennedy?
Not that either eh?
Or is it that liberals want to see our PM assassinated...
Hey after the rucus they made over the Chretien face ad, the bar was set, by them.
How is it that Gilligan should be the guy to wear this?
Simple, web content is a party operation that is tied tightly to war room ops, black ops to be precise.
Who is responsible for the clowns that reviewed but still posted this "entry".
That would be the head clown in the war room.

So if Donolo doesn't want to see his boss get dragged down further by the shinanigans of the first mate of the SS Minnow, he might want to maroon him somewhere till after the next election.

I don't expect this advise to get heeded, which is fine by me, I want the liberals to go down in flames.
Keep up the good work Kornflake.



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