Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Hebert needs to get outside of the Montreal Toronto corridor more often

Todays missive from Hebert seems to be framed in the pov of that old canard of the two solitudes.
Thats the reason for the title.
Chantal still like most of the closet separatists, that the is legislation existant that makes Quebec an integrial part of any legal construct in the nation.
The truth which she usually alludes to is this time ignored. Used to be that folks bought the unity crisis hook line and sinker....welcome to the internet age....the fact is that Quebec is no longer able to threaten the unity of the country since the coup attempt last year.
The veil is lifted.
So you can try to gin up as much opposition in the guise of a unity crisis all you want. But that execise is likened to the debater that tries to link holocast denial with those that are critical of AGW...you just lost the argument.

Here's the irony.

If Chantal and the rest of the media echo chamber are going to contend that without Canada adopting Quebec's target (and effectively killing the economy of the oil patch) then does it not also follow that all nations (read China, India and Brazil as well as the US) have the same obligations? BTW, I do recall that Harper just visited India and China, what do you suppose was talked about...oh yeah...it wasn't AGW it was the economy.
In closing, there is always a point in time where the next generation gets to replace the current one, its called attrition I believe.
There is a new philosophy developing out there, and the current crop of columnists seem to be stuck in 1967 just fiddling while their rome burns. Chantal needs to understand this.
We don't fear the separatists anymore, they are irrelevant.
We don't listen to the aging hippies anymore, as they have become the establishment they used to protest against.
The crisis mongers don't sway opinion like they used to, now they get mocked.

Welcome to the brave new world Chantal.



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