Monday, December 21, 2009

Here's the predictions I made at the beginning of the year:

  1. Harper will still be PM.
  2. The liberal party will not learn any lessons from the recent past.
  3. The Bloc will continue to be irrelevant.
  4. The NDP will continue to chip away at the liberal left wing.
  5. Harper will get his senate reforms passed.
  6. Warren Kinsella will have to take up a new career to make ends meet.
  7. Jane Taber will be given a new desk.
  8. Some liberal MP's will become a liability for their leader.
  9. Elizabeth May's political career will come to an end.
  10. A politician will be doing a perp walk on charges arising from the Adscam investigation.

I'm holding out for number 5 and number ten, number 6 is contentous as Warren will always say he was just a "volunteer" (cough-bs-cough).

I'd definately say 3, 4, 8, and 9 where a big confirmed as we saw many a liberal MP prove to be liabilities (Hedy Fry, Wayne Easter (and his doorknob Warren Kinsella), Carolyn Bennet, Bob Rae, U Dosanj, Mark Holland, and of course who can forget Ruby Dalla. Elizabeth May at the Munk debate make a jackass of herself, the Bloc forget their main platform plank, and Jack Layton moving his party to the center-left dislodging the liberals...of course if they want they can move to the far

In close, I'll just say that Jane Taber may be due for a move, and an elected senate may be the first order of business once Harper has his senate majority in the new year.

Oh yes and if there is porougation, then the liberals will bring the government down right.

Then there would be an election.

One their leader likely won't survive, which means Iggy will try to avoid one again, which means Harper will still be PM.

I'll post some predicitions for 2010 in the new year, except this one I'll post now. The occupiers of the Douglas estates will do something stupid this year to get attention and will be removed..finally.



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