Monday, December 21, 2009

Observations at years end

First out of the blocks: the only people talking about porogation of the HoC are liberals, that dog won't hunt. The logic is specious, why porougue when you don't have to? Oh I know you guys still want to accuse in a sub-text type of accussation that you don't really say our troops where complicit in torture of terrorists, but you are.
First they are the enemy, second, we don't make Afghans laws they do, and third if I thought the guy that was just brought in for questioning knew who was planting roadside bombs and landmines how far do you want me to go to get that info...epsecially if it means saving the life of our troops and the people they are trying to protect...the Afghans themselves.
By the way, most of the insurgent terrorists that get captured are not locals, they are foreign fighters that won't stop at simple torture to get their way.
On the flip side of that, if the info gets released to the public, be assured that the Taliban will eagerly await its release to peruse just who revealed some of the info so that they can go instill some retribution on the informant and the troops that captured him.

Next off, the direction of the country. Too bad liberals and CINO's, the country is moving right.
If a so-called liberal like Bob Rae is telling the media that all the liberals have to do is recapture the center ground thats one thing, but if in the next breath he referes to the conservative government as hard right wing, doesn't that admit the center has eitehr shifted right or that the liberals are far left?
Here's the test. Why don't one of you oh-so-smart columnists that want to do our thinking for us ask Mr Rae where in that center ground he see's a liberal high ground (a defendable policy position) and describe how it will appeal to conservative voters.

Next, lets remind Ian Gillespie of the London Free Press that if he's going to attack the current government for being out of touch, he might want to keep Glen Pearson's name out of it as he seems to currently enjoy appearing at photo-ops with Cabinent Ministers making funding announcements (I noticed his wife wasn't present, maybe she was at the LPF giving Ian his talking points).

Copenhagen turned out just as I figured it would, a disaster.
To coin a phrase, proof a da proof that a turd cannot be polished.

Hey Green party, keep Elizabeth May your leader and you will be the next fossil in Canada's political history.

About that support for local tv campaign...perhaps this idea might help.
Rather than p*ss away close to a billion a year on the MTV centric CBC(Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver) lets take that money and give it to tv stations that are sole service providers for a local market.
The other option is to just stop funding a so-called public broadcaster that refuses to support the small stations (like they used to), artificially inflates ad costs by competing with private broadcasters, and refuses to control its own costs (hey if a company knows it is getting a billion tax dollars a year and still can't earn enough to meet budget theres a problem).

Finally, lets see how long it takes before one of the undeclared candidates in the unofficial liberal leadership race to get outed. Nothing takes the pressure off the other conteders like the knowledge that their fingerprints won't be on the knife.
I'm guessing thats why Justin Trudeau is not saying much to incur the wrath of Denis Coderre or Martin Cauchon.



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