Thursday, December 10, 2009

Of detainee's and terrorist enablers

The contention is that the government is covering that detainees are being tortured once they are handed over to the Afghan forces.

Nobody seems to want to even allude to the circumstances under which these "detainees" came under the control of Canadian forces in the first place.

No the point that is being stressed is that something bad happened and it was because of the current government.
Did the government torture these detainees? Answer, no.
Did the CAF part take in torturing these detainees? Again no.
Did the Canadian government request the detainees be tortured? Three times no.

So why is the government being accused of cover up?

Because the opposition wants to have a scandal to beat the current government with,, nothing more, nothing less.

Because if we really want to dig into this "issue" we shouldn't just look at the time between 2006 - 2007, we need to look into this from the outset of the mission and if any thing changed up to the current day.
Of course then we can call former defence ministers and former prime ministers before the committee to testify about what they knew or should have known.
And we know how well Paul Martin handles being in front of an inquiry judge.

My point is that if the liberals are so sure of a cover up over possible torture, then its possible they knew about it because they where the ones ordering the CAF and the diplomats to keep quite about it well before 2006.
Because this is all about what possibly happened.

To close.
The term detainee sounds pretty mundane and frankly its inaccurate when you consider the individuals the Army captured and under what circumstances. They didn't find these guys by happenstance, they where caught trying to kill coalition forces, you know, the enemy.
That would be the folks that go around torturing their victims without the constraints of the Geneva Convention. The folks that will kidnap and kill their victims, usually videoed and used to intimidate afghans into submission. These are the people the liberals want to protect from torture.
Frankly, if these guys may have been tortured, I have a hard time feeling sorry for them, sort of the same way I feel sorry for any other terrorist that gets caught in the act.

This is all subjective of course, because the whole argument is based on possible torture of the bad guys at the hands of Afghanis that have suffered torture at the hands of these same detainees....remember, subjective opinion.



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