Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The world is shifting to the right

no matter how much the left and its enablers don't like it.

Mr. Obama is going to have to realize, no matter how much his administration tries to spin it, that the Afghan conflict is now his war.

He's going to have to understand that if he wants to put riders on any troop deployments that telling NATO by phone, or getting Biden the buffoon to be his salesman, won't work. What he will have to do is personally address each government body publicly and directly where his words will be on record. In Canada's case, he will have to speak to a special joint session of Parliament with a request for more troops, or at least another extention. There is no other way.

The libs are useless, and have proven they can't reverse the course they are now on to political oblivion, no "big thinkers conference" (tm), rebranding of the leader v2.0, or faux scandal of the moment is going to change that. The tipping point is that now the NDP is looking and playing the part of the center-left option.

Speaking of the wheels coming off certain accepted maxims....those emails that prove, yes prove, AGW is the hoax we all thought it was, shows that the only thing more pathetic than the so-called scientists that still hold the myth to be settled science, are the media outlets that refuse *cough*CBC*cough* to report it.

Which segue's into the last point about the MSM wanting the government to shakedown cable for a cut in their profits (which will be passed on to the consumer which means its a tax). When cable first started airing your "programming" why didn't you bill them then? Looking at a cost benefit, it would seem cable is giving you guys a wider audience than you would get from just using a transmission tower. Besides, after seeing a youtube video of Mary Walsh pathetic attempt at trying to embarrass Sarah Palin at a book signing, lets do this.
We change the rules so that cable companies are not forced to air local and especially the CBC. Lets give the consumer a real choice, the cable companies set a price per channel, if you want it you pay for it, if you don't want it you don't have to pay for it. Of course this concept being the gorrilla in the room, its not surprising that networks like CBC that benefits from numerous government production subsidies, and aprox. 1 billion in government funding, would try to steer the conversation away from something that would provide the government an accurate metric of the size of the CBC audience. In an industry model where CBC wants to benefit from a user pay system, they don't seem to want the disadvantage of having to provide a competative product which isn't funded by a government bailout year after year.

Lastly, the opposition have proven their lack of accumen by jumping at the chance to find some kind of scandal even to the point of not caring what effect that has on those that put their lives at risk to defend the country. Word of caution to them, karma has a bad habit of biting you on the backside.


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