Wednesday, March 17, 2010

10% vs $1.95

I will tip my hat to the opposition for voting to end one tax payer subsidy to political parties.
Now if you would be so kind as to table a motion to end the per vote shakedown and maybe we can talk.

You opposed the 10%ers because as there are more conservatives than liberals in the HoC there will be more conservative 10%ers being mailed into liberal ridings.

You couldn't compete so you wrapped yourselves up in fiscally prudent clothes long enough to get this through.

Well good for you, you decided to bargain in bad faith with the voters so you could tip the field in your favour.
But now you don't have the option of using the 10%er to be you.

But I digress.

The point I've seen coming out of liberal trolls of late is aimed at dividing conservatives or convincing them that the Harper government isn't conservative enough.

Don't be too fast to think you've found a silver bullet.

Harper might decide to test your convictions, and you have to remember that if you want to seal the deal you need to give voters something more than a promise, you have to act.
I've mentioned the vote subsidy as a place to start, here's more.
Table a motion to kill the gun registry, yes I know its one of the few remaining Chretien legacies..other than Adscam....but if you want to prove you mean what you say this time, you better be ready to through not only that legacy under the bus, but be prepared to watch your left wing go NDP.
Then there's the perenial desire to incur into provincial jurisdictions. Propose to amend the health act to allow private healthcare, such a motion will solidify what base you have in Quebec...but it could again cost you some political capital...but thats not the point is it, you guys want to reach out to conservatives right? Unless thats not what you want to do. Perhaps the game is to depress the conservative suppport...a war of attrition...if the right won't come to you, you'll ensure they don't go to anyone.
Admirable, but for one problem.
That Chretien-Martin balance that was around to keep the right from voting for anyone is the bridge that got burnt long ago.

Two things will keep the libs in perdition.

Video archive of Chretien's memorable promise to "kill da GST" and Bob Rae's prominent position in the LPC. Real fiscal qualifications that.
Nothing better to motivate a vote against the liberals like a trickster and a fraud.



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