Thursday, November 19, 2015

A new beginning....seriously?

That is essentially what conservatives are being fed by those that will never vote for us.

Now the lesson.

The conservative party didn't lose the election because of how they where running the country, it was that the liberal convinced enough of the soft NDP vote that the only way to get rid of the enemy was to vote liberal.
The liberals capitalized on the NDP efforts to convince blu-liberals that they where not socialists. This made the narrative of Mulcair going soft on progressive ideology, hence the meme used of Mulcair implementing Stephen Harper's budget. It closed the deal for the soft NDP vote when Justin admitted he was going to run a deficit.  But here's the trick, he pulled out the spectre of the "evil one percent" and that they would be made to pay. To the progressive leftist, all the worlds ills can be cured if you just go after those other's that stole from the poor and less fortunate.......well for them its reality that wealth isn't something that's created, for them the government needs to make sure life is fair for everyone, and if someone got rich, well they must have done something illegal, and if not illegal, they must have unfairly taken advantage of some poor unfortunate victim, the environment, or some other perpetually offended  group.
But this is what the liberals have done every election they have won. They use the NDP as the farm team.
Mulcair made the mistake of trying to take the NDP to the middle when he didn't have to.  Yeah the guy can win a leadership, and he can be as charming or as angry as he wants, and nothing will change.
No what the NDP has to do is forget about the mushy middle if they ever want to make it out of perpetual status as supporting role for the liberal party.
Now I won't write them off, even though they are in third place, but they have to realize the chemistry of the Canadian electorate specifically how the laurentian elite like things.  Before I go further, let me be clear that when I use the term L.E. I'm not suggesting that there is some secret society that meets in secret to plot the subjugation of the country.  No, the term refers to a section of the population that see's itself as the rightful heirs to the management of the country. They don't have any outward dislike of the rest of the voting public, but they feel in an almost aristocratic sense, that the great unwashed is just not capable of running things the "right way".  In their world view the great unwashed would try to change things, heavens they might even try to reform the senate so that the members in that chamber would be ....gasp....elected.
Perish the thought.
But just as they are protective of the institution they feel entitled to, they also feel the NDP will never be main stream and they will never believe a socialist when he says he will balance the books...a real socialist will never balance the books, if say so he must be lyin....and that my friends is why Tommy lost.
Tom didn't follow Layton's strategy and time his push from the left when Justin shifted to the right.
Justin, or at least his team (cause I'm not buying that he knows what he's doing) knew the only way they could achieve any political ground was to nullify any attacks from the left flank.
Blu-libs would ignore their instincts telling themselves that he can't be the economic disaster that his dad was, that and the over riding desire to win at all costs.  The left, they just hated Harper and where ready to jump to the first parade with the best poll numbers.

Now there is a silver lining...there always is.
Justin's thing is about being liked by all the cool kids, which is great if your one of those boy bands that won one of those talent contests Simon Cowell puts on.
Now comes the boring stuff, like running a government, running legislation through the process, debates in Parliament, and question period.
Justin is already demonstrating how tone deaf he is with his promise to bring 25,000 refugees out of Syria into Canada by Christmas.  This promise is completely political with political objectives, not humanitarian.
That's right, being human has nothing to do with it, when concerns about security checks and finding accommodations for them is an after thought, it means the only thing the liberals are interested in is deconstructing the notion that Justin no idea what he's doing. This is not only foolish, but a dereliction of duty.
Even if they can get the number, this can still end badly.  If the accommodations are insufficient or substandard to the point that these refugees suffer ill health, or if some of the migrants come here in bad faith.
Point is that even if they get the numbers, there will be ample opportunity for this to go south badly and as it was his promise, and he insisted that he was ready for this job right now, they can't expect the conservatives to just give Justin a chance.
He made this one himself he will own it.



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