Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The liberals are going Dion in the polls.

The media is frantically sighting the latest SES poll to fill in the blanks on their pre-written stories.

Go ahead and pile on boys and girls but don't forget to do some real investigative reporting.

See it matters not one bit who is leading the liberals right now because the way they have choosen to elect their leader has shackled them to the modus operandi of pandering to the interest groups. Said interest groups have co-opted the party so much that now the leader in fear of offending the most vocal members of the party, repeat vebatum whatever is near and dear to those groups.
So it would matter not a wit if Bobo Rae, Iggy, or even the annointed one Justin was leader. Until the liberals actually decide to draw a policy line in the sand they will be at the behest of any nutbar group that wants a soapbox to stand on.

Suck to be them.

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