Friday, May 04, 2007

Court got this one right.

Pinch me I'm dreaming. You can bet this is going to get buried by the rest of the MSM

Canadian court refuses to declare Iraq invasion illegal
U.S. army deserters lose refugee bid
CanWest News ServicePublished: Friday, May 04, 2007
Two American army deserters who fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq have lost a bid for refugee status after the Federal Court of Appeal refused to declare the 2003 invasion illegal. The Federal Court of Appeal rejected claims from Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey, the first of hundreds of U.S. soldiers who crossed the border rather than face court martial and imprisonment for refusing to serve in a war they say they morally oppose and is illegal because it was not sanctioned by the United Nations. Jeffry House, a lawyer for the two men -- now living in Toronto -- estimated roughly 40 Americans have sought refugee status to avoid the Iraq war. Another 150 or so are in Canada but they have not filed refugee claims. Mr. House said he will ask the Supreme Court of Canada to review the case.

and you'll never see it published in the London's own liberal soap box.

To dove tail to this story, I'd like to ask the plaintiff's.

Why do you want to retain the citizenship of a country you left year's ago to take up citizenship here? I'm not saying you have no right to live and work in Canada, but no one can serve two masters and the concept of "no free lunch" seems to evade them.


Just a thought. If the highest court in Canada says that UN declarations cannot override the laws of a state, does this not also apply to something like the IPCC?
I'll presume that it does and therefore also contend that if the PM decides in the future that Kyoto is a threat to our soveriegnity, that we can pullout of the thing.



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