Monday, November 19, 2007

Quotes to hang on to


"Mulroney sued the government and received a $2.1 million settlement and an apology after the then-Liberal government wrote the Swiss government in 1995 and alleged that Mulroney and Schreiber might have been involved in a kickback scheme involving the Airbus deal. In defence of his government's settlement with Mulroney in 1997, Chretien said he had no choice but to accept his fellow former-PM's account of events. "The former prime minister swore that he never had any business with Mr. Schreiber. We could not prove the contrary, so the RCMP looked like they made a mistake," Chretien told reporters. "

Odd the way Chretien recalls these events, his government wrote a letter accussing Mulroney of taking a bribe, but somehow its the RCMP's fault. Its also odd that during that same interview Chretien feels an inquiry is the wrong way to go. Wonder what it is he's got to hide? Or is it that he wants to avoid going on the stand and being cross examined by Mulroney's lawyers?


"A Taliban commander in the district, reached by telephone, dismissed the government toll as lies but acknowledged that his men had suffered casualties."

Could we ask that if the G&M has information on the location of Taliban (such as a phone number that can be traced) that they reveal same to the people fighting them.
Its a bit troubling to say the least that unnamed Taliban are able to get quoted by a major daily down playing our success in the field. Guess the Globe and Mail didn't get the memo that these guys are the enemy.



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